Sunday, January 31, 2010


On my proposal I said I would start practicing after the first in-class lesson was taught, but for the first time in my life, I experienced a snow day. Never have I experienced either in elementary or high school, a day off because of the weather, but because of the ridiculous blizzard we had last weekend, our Monday class was canceled, thus my first lesson was pushed for another week. I guess I could've have practiced on my own, but I really want to get some physical help in explaining and getting some basics covered before really start exploring. I honestly don't know what I'm doing, so I think once I get a little guidance I can feel confident enough to go on from there.

Friday, January 22, 2010


A. My Goal: To learn some basics about guitar, learn a few songs, and (probably wont happen within this short period of time), learn how to play "such great heights".
B. Materials: So far I found a couple youtube video's that are a bit helpful, but not ideal. I'm planning on getting myself a book, and I will also be relying on some help from my friends and my boyfriend. I'm going to use all the resources around me cause God knows I need all the help I can get.
C. Documentation: I will be using this blog to document my progress, and I'll also be taking photos, maybe some video's of my progress. I'm sure their will also be some cartoon sketches in times of stress that I will scan for you guys.
D. Time-Line: I will try to practice Monday-Friday in the afternoons/evenings starting January 25th, after our first in class lesson.
E. Trouble Shooting: Some challenges I will face doing this is actually practicing. I'm a procrastinator at heart, and if I'm not feeling confident in my progress, I may let it sit. How am I going to overcome that? I'll get my dad to force me to practice. If someone is pushing me to do something, than I'm more likely to get up and do it so they get off my back (ha!ha!).
Another problem, staying positive. If I suck at something I usually get frustrated pretty fast and give up. The fact I will have to present something by the end of this term, be graded for this, will keep me going, as I have to pass this class.
And my final problem, documenting. As I mentioned earlier, I'm a procrastinator. As much time as I spend on my computer I will still probably find other reasons/other sites to check out before writing up my progress before I forget. A way to overcome this: As weird as this sounds, when I open up a tab, I have little windows of all the different websites that I check when I first log onto for new updates. So I will make my blogger account one among those. It'll be a constant reminder, so whenever I see it, I wont be able to deny updating my own blog. Also, by seeing everyone else's blog, it will motivate me to let everyone know my own progress.
F. Critical Friend: My boyfriend Ivan. I see him quite often and he also plays a bit of guitar, so I know I can rely on him to check up on me and give me honest feedback on my progress.
G. Reward: Not having to practice anymore. No offense Denise, but when I'm done this project, the fact that I will no longer have to practice and just relax is enough for me to be stoked on. I mean, knowing how to finally play the guitar is enough of a reward, I've always been meaning to learn, but I hate practicing, I just want to be good at it. And the fact that this project will be due near the end of the semester, knowing that I wont have to do anymore homework, and being able to do whatever I want with my time is a reward I crave for.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

And it begins...

The other night I brought out my brothers old classical guitar that he left when he moved to Montreal. My mom brought it for him from Spain and it's been sitting in our closet for years, going to waste. Sure I've picked it up here and there, but it never really went beyond that. I took a good look at the guitar, and after a few moments, I decide to go with the name Eduardo (the name I told Riley, that made her burst out laughing). He's got a suttle stain on his wood body and a few chips that only add to his character. As I was holding Eduardo's neck with my right hand, I could hardly get my entire hand around it. I tried to get a few notes out and after a few minutes, the tips of my fingers had string markings that ached. How am I going to endure an entire song with these pathetic fingers?
My goal with Eduardo: to learn "Such great heights" by Iron and Wine. Now that's being ambitious, I know, but it will be at least one song I aspire to learn. I may not entirely have it done on time, it might be one of those projects that I continue to work on even when the semester is over, but to be able to learn that song, would be so humbling.
If you've never heard this song, you'll know what I mean when you hear it: