Wednesday, January 13, 2010

And it begins...

The other night I brought out my brothers old classical guitar that he left when he moved to Montreal. My mom brought it for him from Spain and it's been sitting in our closet for years, going to waste. Sure I've picked it up here and there, but it never really went beyond that. I took a good look at the guitar, and after a few moments, I decide to go with the name Eduardo (the name I told Riley, that made her burst out laughing). He's got a suttle stain on his wood body and a few chips that only add to his character. As I was holding Eduardo's neck with my right hand, I could hardly get my entire hand around it. I tried to get a few notes out and after a few minutes, the tips of my fingers had string markings that ached. How am I going to endure an entire song with these pathetic fingers?
My goal with Eduardo: to learn "Such great heights" by Iron and Wine. Now that's being ambitious, I know, but it will be at least one song I aspire to learn. I may not entirely have it done on time, it might be one of those projects that I continue to work on even when the semester is over, but to be able to learn that song, would be so humbling.
If you've never heard this song, you'll know what I mean when you hear it:


  1. Good luck Alej! I think it'll be hard at first, but once we get the basics we'll be rockin' ;)

  2. Ya totally Alex! Sounds like a good song choice, not too fast but seems doable. Once you get the hang of it im sure you will do great! Goodluck!

  3. I love that song! There is a cover of that song done by The Postal Service that is also good and quite different than Iron & Wine's version. But nothing beats the original! Good luck!
