Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I feel terrible for neglecting my blog, but in contrast, I haven't neglected my guitar. I've been practicing a few times a week and am feeling better and better each time. I'm having a bit of trouble singing and strumming for one song, doing the 2 things at once is throwing me off, but I'm optimistic I will get the hang of it eventually. Oh and last week, Elora came by for a jam session, in which my dad got to listen in and was astounded at our skills (and especially my singing, cause he's never heard me seriously sing before).

Anyway, today I started learning a new song for kicks, and have been slaving away at my guitar for two hours. My fingers are in some serious pain, but it was worth it. I'm starting to geniunly enjoy the guitar, and it brings me joy to play something.
I took some photos, with a timer while I was practicing. I have made some videos, but youtube wouldn't allow me to upload them, so I don't know if that'll happen any time soon. Oh and I've been experiencing some wierd twangy sound with my guitar, only with certain chords (lower ones), and don't know why. I've tried pressing harder on the strings, but it still does it. Anyone have any idea why?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alej,
    The only thing I can think of, if you're pressing hard enough, is WHERE you are pressing. If you are pressing on the silver line/fret thinger, then it will twang. If you are pressing just above it, or in the middle of it, it won't twang. If this doesn't make sense let me know and I will post some pictures and/or show you on Monday. Try it and let me know how it goes!!
