Here are some songs that I've learnt, or am still in the process of learning. I will attach the site with the chords if anyone wishes to check them out and learn them.
Sixpense None the Richer- Kiss me
Sublime- What I Got
Moldy Peaches- Anyone Else but You
Sufjan Stevens- Casimir Pulanski Day
Sufjan Stevers- Chicago
Death Cab For Cutie- PhotoBooth
NOFX- Franco Un-American
Attack In Black- Young Leaves
(PS: I did make a video of me playing "Young Leaves" and "Kiss me", but I was never to successfully upload them.)
Monday, April 5, 2010
attack in black,
sufjan stevens,
Final Reflection
I can't believe that today is the due date, this semester has gone ridiculously fast, but I'm glad that we're at the end. This whole journey in learning the guitar was sort of a rollercoaster ride for me. At the beginning I was frustrated and angry because I didn't think I would ever get the hang of it and my fingers hurt. Then I became hopeful when I learned some basic chords and now I'm quite content with my progress.
I think what caused my frustrations at first was the fact that I had no idea where to start. And despite having the internet as my main tool, it still didn't help as much as i hoped. There was too much information and no filters, and I never really found what I was looking for.It was only until the day that Denise gave us those 3 basic chords and gave us a familiar song that helped get me started. From there I went online and researched different chords and looked up songs that I knew. I only really used one real source in learning the guitar and it was the ultimate guitar website. It wasn't easy, but I would just find songs that I knew, songs that I liked and wanted to learn. Though I was limited in my choices because I didn't own a capo, and would stay away from songs with F chords, but I still managed to find plenty of songs to practice and have fun with. And when it came to chords I never tried before, they were all highlighted in the songs so all I had to do was put my mouse over it and it showed me how to play it and different ways I could play it.
I think if I were in a school setting, teaching a class how to play guitar, I would do what Denise did. Introduce 3 chords, whether it be D, A and G or something else and find a song that uses just those 3 chords. I would encourage students to work on their transitions with those 3 chords and once they got fairly comfortable with these 3 chords, I would then introduce another one, then another and continue to provide the class with a variety of music that uses these chords.
I never needed my dad or my boyfriend to force me to play guitar. After a while, if I was bored or needed a break from homework, I would just gravitate to the guitar and play around with it. I know I'll defenitly keep up with the guitar, not only because I really enjoy it, but I had made some "dates" with friends.
I guess in this assignment, I really learnt what my limits were. I became aware with what I was comfortable with, and what I wasn't comfortable with. But when it came to certain songs that I was especially fond of and that were challenging, I was pretty determined to learn them. I guess I'm not completly music illiterate as I thought I was.
I think what caused my frustrations at first was the fact that I had no idea where to start. And despite having the internet as my main tool, it still didn't help as much as i hoped. There was too much information and no filters, and I never really found what I was looking for.It was only until the day that Denise gave us those 3 basic chords and gave us a familiar song that helped get me started. From there I went online and researched different chords and looked up songs that I knew. I only really used one real source in learning the guitar and it was the ultimate guitar website. It wasn't easy, but I would just find songs that I knew, songs that I liked and wanted to learn. Though I was limited in my choices because I didn't own a capo, and would stay away from songs with F chords, but I still managed to find plenty of songs to practice and have fun with. And when it came to chords I never tried before, they were all highlighted in the songs so all I had to do was put my mouse over it and it showed me how to play it and different ways I could play it.
I think if I were in a school setting, teaching a class how to play guitar, I would do what Denise did. Introduce 3 chords, whether it be D, A and G or something else and find a song that uses just those 3 chords. I would encourage students to work on their transitions with those 3 chords and once they got fairly comfortable with these 3 chords, I would then introduce another one, then another and continue to provide the class with a variety of music that uses these chords.
I never needed my dad or my boyfriend to force me to play guitar. After a while, if I was bored or needed a break from homework, I would just gravitate to the guitar and play around with it. I know I'll defenitly keep up with the guitar, not only because I really enjoy it, but I had made some "dates" with friends.
I guess in this assignment, I really learnt what my limits were. I became aware with what I was comfortable with, and what I wasn't comfortable with. But when it came to certain songs that I was especially fond of and that were challenging, I was pretty determined to learn them. I guess I'm not completly music illiterate as I thought I was.
Final reflection,
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I feel terrible for neglecting my blog, but in contrast, I haven't neglected my guitar. I've been practicing a few times a week and am feeling better and better each time. I'm having a bit of trouble singing and strumming for one song, doing the 2 things at once is throwing me off, but I'm optimistic I will get the hang of it eventually. Oh and last week, Elora came by for a jam session, in which my dad got to listen in and was astounded at our skills (and especially my singing, cause he's never heard me seriously sing before).

Anyway, today I started learning a new song for kicks, and have been slaving away at my guitar for two hours. My fingers are in some serious pain, but it was worth it. I'm starting to geniunly enjoy the guitar, and it brings me joy to play something.
I took some photos, with a timer while I was practicing. I have made some videos, but youtube wouldn't allow me to upload them, so I don't know if that'll happen any time soon. Oh and I've been experiencing some wierd twangy sound with my guitar, only with certain chords (lower ones), and don't know why. I've tried pressing harder on the strings, but it still does it. Anyone have any idea why?

Friday, March 5, 2010
Being the teacher.
Tonight I had the opportunity to be the teacher. My good friend Lisa got a hold of me about a week ago telling me how she was trying to learn the guitar and wanted to know how I was doing since I was also learning for this class. She was really starting to get frustrated and ready to throw the idea of learning the guitar out the window, but I was able to change her mind. I had her come over tonight for a "jam" session.
She brought over her guitar and I had her strum for me. The first thing, it was WAY out of tune. So I brought out Eduardo and strum mine, to show her how it should actually sound like. I tuned it a little for her but than decided it would be best if she learned how to tune it herself, so she knows how to do it when I'm not around. I also showed her a free guitar tunning website if she ever needed one.
Then I basically told Lisa what Denise told us in class: to learn the chords D, A and G. I showed her using my guitar, than showed her the actual chords from the hand outs I had. With those chords I than showed her the song, Leaving on a jet plane, and some other easy songs using those 3 chords or less. I could totally see that twinkle in her eye of encouragment as it now seemed more achievable than before. Lisa had the same problem, she didn't know where to start. She struggled finding helpful videos, videos that didn't just teach you of the different parts on the guitar, but began with easy chords and familiar songs that only used a few chords. Their is no real filter on youtube, so unless you have hours to kill, you won't find a very ressourful video.
So I ended up making Lisa some copies of my sheets and e-mailed her this site where you can find almost any song in either chord or tab form. She was a lot happier now knowing just some basics, and I felt really (as lame as this sounds) proud of myself even with the little knowledge that I have, that I could help one person. This experience definitly makes me feel more confident and motivates me to continue and learn more so the next time Lisa and I hang out, I can show her some new stuff.
She brought over her guitar and I had her strum for me. The first thing, it was WAY out of tune. So I brought out Eduardo and strum mine, to show her how it should actually sound like. I tuned it a little for her but than decided it would be best if she learned how to tune it herself, so she knows how to do it when I'm not around. I also showed her a free guitar tunning website if she ever needed one.
Then I basically told Lisa what Denise told us in class: to learn the chords D, A and G. I showed her using my guitar, than showed her the actual chords from the hand outs I had. With those chords I than showed her the song, Leaving on a jet plane, and some other easy songs using those 3 chords or less. I could totally see that twinkle in her eye of encouragment as it now seemed more achievable than before. Lisa had the same problem, she didn't know where to start. She struggled finding helpful videos, videos that didn't just teach you of the different parts on the guitar, but began with easy chords and familiar songs that only used a few chords. Their is no real filter on youtube, so unless you have hours to kill, you won't find a very ressourful video.
So I ended up making Lisa some copies of my sheets and e-mailed her this site where you can find almost any song in either chord or tab form. She was a lot happier now knowing just some basics, and I felt really (as lame as this sounds) proud of myself even with the little knowledge that I have, that I could help one person. This experience definitly makes me feel more confident and motivates me to continue and learn more so the next time Lisa and I hang out, I can show her some new stuff.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
What I've got so far.
Ugh... I'm the worst for updating this thing. BUT, on the contrary to my blog, I've been doing way better at this guitar thing than I thought I would. I've been learning a bunch of new and different songs. I've memorized the basic D, A and G chord, as well as the C, Em, Am and some more. I keep pushing my limits, seeing how far I can or can't go. With that said, my goal has now changed. As I mentioned before, I wont have that Iron and Wine song learned on time, but I plan on perfecting a couple of songs, working on my strumming (something I've been really struggling with), and learn to sing and play.
I plan on uploading a video, I've just had a bit of trouble getting my webcam to work, and being able to upload it on youtube, but I will make sure I have atleast 1 up here.
I plan on uploading a video, I've just had a bit of trouble getting my webcam to work, and being able to upload it on youtube, but I will make sure I have atleast 1 up here.
doing good,
new chords,
Monday, February 8, 2010
Honest update
So I'm not gonna lie, I've been awful for practicing, as in I didn't practice last week at all. I guess last Monday was a really bad one for me and I just wanted to forget about it, including Eduardo.
But enough with making up excuses, after today's in-class lesson, I feel much more motivated. I feel like I'm slowly getting the hang of the D-chord, A-chord and G-chord. I really appreciate those handouts Denise has given us, especially the 3 chord songs. And it turns out I WONT be able to play that Iron and Wine song by the end of this semester, the chords are ridiculously hard. Maybe I'll get Mike to learn it and I'll sing to it, and we can present it together at the end of the semester (but now I'm just throwing ideas out there).
So I have learned something, and it was about myself. I figured out that teaching myself something that I had no idea or any experience on is extremely hard. To have the motivation and drive to teach myself something NOT giving up is hard. I'm not gonna lie, there was a point where I just wanted to drop this, but I'm feeling a little bit better now after today. Unlike the recorder, I'm truly up to my own to provide my own devices. I did well with recorded cause I was given the resources and I had some background experience with playing the saxophone.
Anyways, I thought I would share with you guys this website. It's just a website with a bunch of 3 chord songs (D, A and G), that I luckily fell upon. I think I'm going to change my target to try and learn some of these songs, and maybe a song with a few more chords. We'll see how it goes.
But enough with making up excuses, after today's in-class lesson, I feel much more motivated. I feel like I'm slowly getting the hang of the D-chord, A-chord and G-chord. I really appreciate those handouts Denise has given us, especially the 3 chord songs. And it turns out I WONT be able to play that Iron and Wine song by the end of this semester, the chords are ridiculously hard. Maybe I'll get Mike to learn it and I'll sing to it, and we can present it together at the end of the semester (but now I'm just throwing ideas out there).
So I have learned something, and it was about myself. I figured out that teaching myself something that I had no idea or any experience on is extremely hard. To have the motivation and drive to teach myself something NOT giving up is hard. I'm not gonna lie, there was a point where I just wanted to drop this, but I'm feeling a little bit better now after today. Unlike the recorder, I'm truly up to my own to provide my own devices. I did well with recorded cause I was given the resources and I had some background experience with playing the saxophone.
Anyways, I thought I would share with you guys this website. It's just a website with a bunch of 3 chord songs (D, A and G), that I luckily fell upon. I think I'm going to change my target to try and learn some of these songs, and maybe a song with a few more chords. We'll see how it goes.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
On my proposal I said I would start practicing after the first in-class lesson was taught, but for the first time in my life, I experienced a snow day. Never have I experienced either in elementary or high school, a day off because of the weather, but because of the ridiculous blizzard we had last weekend, our Monday class was canceled, thus my first lesson was pushed for another week. I guess I could've have practiced on my own, but I really want to get some physical help in explaining and getting some basics covered before really start exploring. I honestly don't know what I'm doing, so I think once I get a little guidance I can feel confident enough to go on from there.
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